I am currently a postdoc (Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar, 水木学者) at Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University (IASTU) hosted by Prof. Xiaoyun Wang.Contact
- Address: Room 401, Science Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
- E-mail: congtianshuo AT tsinghua DOT edu DOT cn
Research Interests
- Trustworthy Machine Learning
- Secure Multi-party Computation
- Lightweight Cipher Design
- Tsinghua University
- 2017.08 - 2023.06, Beijing, China
- Ph.D. in Mathematics at Institute for Advanced Study
- Advisor: Prof. Xiaoyun Wang (IACR Fellow)
- CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
- 2021.08 - 2023.01, Saarbrücken, Germany
- Visiting Ph.D. student at CISPA
- Advisor: Dr. Yang Zhang
- Tsinghua University
- 2013.08 - 2017.06, Beijing, China
- B.Eng. in Electronic Engineering
- Advisor: Prof. Yong Ren
Honors & Awards
- CACR Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2023.11
- Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Progam (2023.07-2025.07)
- 2nd prize, National Cryptographic Algorithm Design Competition, 2020.01
- NSFC Young Scientists Fund (国家自然科学基金青年基金项目), No.62402273, PI, 2025-2027
- [2024.07] I'll serve on the PC for IEEE SaTML 2025, please consider to submit papers!
- [2024.05] We release JailbreakEval, an integrated safety evaluator toolkit for assessing jailbreaks against large language models.
- [2024.04] Invited to serve on the PC of PETS 2025.
- [2024.03] Became an invited reviewer of ECCV 2024.
- [2024.02] Invited to serve on the PC of ACSAC 2024.
- [2024.01] Check out a curated reading list on safety, security, and privacy of large models!
- [2023.12] Gave a talk titled "Attack AI models: From ResNet to GPT-4" at Xi'an Jiaotong University!
- [2023.12] Became an invited reviewer of ACM TOPS.
- [2023.12] Became an invited reviewer of IEEE TDSC.
- [2023.11] We proposed FigStep, a quite simple yet effective jailbreaking algorithm against large vision-language models (VLMs)!
- [2023.11] Became an invited reviewer of CVPR 2024.
- [2023.11] Became an invited reviewer of ACM TKDD.
- [2023.10] Served on the AEC of CCS 2023.
- [2023.08] One technical report titled "Robustness Over Time: Understanding Adversarial Examples’ Effectiveness on Longitudinal Versions of Large Language Models" was released!
- [2023.07] Gave a talk titled "Privacy and Security Analysis of Deep Learning" at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)!
- [2023.07] One paper titled “Test-time Poisoning Attacks Against Test-time Adaptation Models” got accepted in IEEE S&P (Oakland) 2024!
- [2023.07] I joined Tsinghua IAS as a postdoc and was selected as "Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar"!
- [2023.05] Successfully passed the Ph.D. defense!
- [2022.04] One paper titled “SSLGuard: A Watermarking Scheme for Self-supervised Learning Pre-trained Encoders” got accepted in ACM CCS 2022!
- [2021.08] Started my visiting Ph.D. program at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Saarbrücken, Germany!